08 May 2009

Check Us Out On Vegdining.com!

When I was just getting into writing, I didn't know what avenues to take to start a professional career. I tried to write about what I knew... Life in the Caribbean? That's interesting! So is Puerto Rican history. What does San Juan have? Tourists. By the boatload. I brainstormed, and finally came down to travel writing, and vegan living. These were the two I had the most passion for, and confidence in.

As I started my blogs, and was writing/brainstorming how to keep them interesting, I would take little breaks and go to http://www.vegdining.com to review vegan restaurants that I had eaten in. It was a great feeling to escape the mess I was unraveling, and to accomplish a full review (one to three paragraphs?). I would go back to my disaster with a much more optimistic outlook.

It turns out, I had written many reviews.. somewhere around 35. They were having a contest at the time, and even thought I would not fly to the states to cash in a vegan dinner certificate, I figured at least I could win some books, or information. I dug deep, thought of every place I had ever gone, and did not lie about a one. It felt good, and fed the writing fire.

I must have gotten their attention, for Dennis contacted me and asked if I would like to freelance write for the travel section of vegdining.com! I was so excited! This tied my two passions together perfectly, and I can now actually say I am a freelance travel writer! I never felt happier.

So, if you have an account, or would like to start one, please check out my first two articles on St. Thomas, USVI, and Old San Juan, PR. The words and photos are from yours truly!

And a BIG thank you to Dennis for making this happen & giving me the opportunity!


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